Friday, May 05, 2006

TMW goes stereo and mp3PRO!

Thanks to a generous increase in storage capacity from Live365 (who provide our audio stream), Two-Minute Warning is now broadcasting in stereo using mp3PRO.

What does that mean? Well, aside from not being in mono anymore, mp3PRO allows for higher-quality audio from smaller file sizes. You'll need to listen with a program that utilizes mp3PRO to hear the difference. Unfortunately, iTunes isn't one of them (yet), but most recent players for Windows should have this capability. And if you become a Live365 preferred member, you can use Live365's software, which does use mp3PRO (works for Macs and PCs).

You can still listen to TMW in stereo with any other mp3 program, but the mp3PRO programs will give you better high end.


Listen to Two-Minute Warning


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