Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Guy Livingston

Guy Livingston is a classically-trained concert pianist who lives in Paris and holds degrees from Yale University, the New England Conservatory, and the Royal Conservatory of the Netherlands. He has studied as well at the Academie de Villecroze with Claude Helffer, and at the IRCAMs Academie.

In 1996, he traded sixty bottles of Jack Daniels to sixty composers all over Europe, Asia, and America in exchange for a new work for solo piano. The only constraints, as specified by Guy, were that the piece be under 60 seconds in length, and that the audience not be endangered in any way.

The result was "Don't Panic! 60 Seconds for Piano," a CD of Guy's performances of the commissioned pieces, released in 1999, and a great addition to the TMW library.

Don't Panic! 60 Seconds for Piano
Guy Livingston's web site


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